The internet is a powerful tool that can be used for both good and evil. It can help us connect with people all over the world, and it can also help us find information we need in a hurry. However, the internet can also be a major distraction, and it can be very easy to get lost in cyberspace. If you’re finding that your internet usage is preventing you from being productive, or if you feel like the internet is ruining your creativity, read on for tips on how to keep the web from taking over your life!

Set Limits
First, set some limits for yourself. Decide how much time you want to spend online each day, and stick to that limit. If you find that you’re constantly going over your allotted time, try setting a timer to help keep yourself on track. Once you’ve set your limits, it’s important to stick to them!
Be Selective
Second, be selective about the websites you visit. If you know that certain sites are a major time-suck for you, try to avoid them altogether. Stick to websites that are relevant to your interests and that can help you accomplish your goals.

Take Breaks
Third, take breaks often. Every 20 minutes or so, stand up and stretch, or take a walk around the block. Getting up and moving your body will help to increase your energy and creativity. Give yourself some time offline each day. Whether it’s an hour or a day, make sure to unplug from the internet and spend some time doing something that doesn’t involve a screen.
Fourth, disconnect from the internet when you need to focus. If you’re working on a project that requires your full attention, turn off your Wi-Fi and disconnect from the web. This will help you to avoid distractions and stay focused on the task at hand.

Find a Balance
Sixth, find a balance that works for you. Everyone is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. Experiment with different techniques until you find a system that helps you to be productive and creative.
In conclusion, it’s important to have a healthy balance of internet use and creativity. It can be easy to get sucked into the online world and spend hours upon hours browsing social media or watching Netflix. But if you want to maintain your creativity, it’s crucial to set some boundaries for yourself and find time to disconnect from the digital world. carve out some time every day (or week) where you turn off all electronics and focus on creating something with your own two hands. Whether that means painting, writing, drawing, sculpting, or anything else, make sure you take the time to do something just for you that allows your creative juices to flow. And if you need some inspiration, head over to Artmeet.