This article will discuss the pros and cons of being a freelancer designer so you can weigh all options before deciding if it is right for you!

Diverse Opportunity to Work
You can often choose which type of work you would like to do. You have the freedom to determine your own schedule and earn income according to how successful your business is.
Higher Earning Potential
As a freelancer graphic designer, you only work when jobs are available. Therefore, your income can be higher than other designers who may have to take on several projects at once and therefore earn less per project.

Flexible and Freedom
Since work is available when you want, freelancers can take breaks whenever they want (e.g., lunch hour) which may result in better quality of life for workers who are looking to balance other responsibilities like family or side projects. Freelance graphic designer jobs allow individuals to select what companies they would like to work within certain industry. Designer have flexible of when or where to work. This is ideal for people who are looking to stay home with children or have other opportunities that take up the majority of their time. Whether it’s converting a spare bedroom into a home studio, roaming between coffee shops or even working while travelling, it’s your call.

Uncertain about Long Term Stability
Many people are attracted to the idea of being a freelancer since you can control your schedule, but it is more difficult to get benefits like health insurance or paid vacation. Limited options for promotions : while some companies do promote their freelance employees after they complete several projects successfully, the promotion opportunities are usually not as high-ranking (e.g., director level jobs). Income fluctuation : since you are paid on a project-by-project basis, your income fluctuates from month to month. This can be challenging if you have monthly expenses that need to be covered by this one source of revenue (e.g., rent, car payment).

Difficult to Maintain Work Life Balance
Like any other job, it is difficult for freelancers to maintain work life balance. Some of the most demanding clients are those who expect their freelance graphic designer to respond within minutes if not seconds when they need a revision or have an urgent question that needs answering.
Less Stability
This may be less important to some people, but others value knowing that there will be no layoffs in the near future where they can lose their jobs overnight and find themselves struggling with how to provide for themselves and/or family members going forward without steady paychecks coming in every month from one source.
Freelancing can be a ton of fun, but it does come with its downsides. When you work for a company full-time, you get benefits like health insurance and paid time off. You don’t need to worry about paying taxes on your income every year or chasing down your clients to collect payment when they owe you money. If freelancing isn’t the right fit for you, check out our list of jobs in design that are hiring now! And if you’re looking for more freelance gigs in graphic design specifically, visit Artmeet‘s freelance marketplace by clicking this link below. There are thousands of designers waiting to connect with qualified professionals who want job satisfaction while also earning an awesome living doing what they love 🙂