Nicholas's Design #1


Nicholas Design 1

Font :- Mouser

Font Color :- C =100, M=100 Y=0 K=0

Pencil,Digital Drawing Pen,JGDC font outline  & the line design across the font Color is :- C = 0, M=50 Y=100 K=0

the line from pencil on the left across the font towards the Digital Drawing Pen on the right shows the evolution of illustration tool from pencil drawing  to digital 


Nicholas Design 1

Font :- Mouser

Font Color :- C =100, M=100 Y=0 K=0

Pencil,Digital Drawing Pen,JGDC font outline  & the line design across the font Color is :- C = 0, M=50 Y=100 K=0

the line from pencil on the left across the font towards the Digital Drawing Pen on the right shows the evolution of illustration tool from pencil drawing  to digital 

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