Rosliana's Design #2


There is a diamond symbol above the letter "J" which means that every idea released by these creative groups is very valuable and always meets every customer's request. The colors used are gradient colors of a mixture of purple, pink and blue colors that carry meaning, junior graphic designers come from many types, with different thoughts of each and different types of ways of coming up with ideas. The close writing between letter to letter carries meaning, although it comes from various types but junior graphic designers remain united.


There is a diamond symbol above the letter "J" which means that every idea released by these creative groups is very valuable and always meets every customer's request. The colors used are gradient colors of a mixture of purple, pink and blue colors that carry meaning, junior graphic designers come from many types, with different thoughts of each and different types of ways of coming up with ideas. The close writing between letter to letter carries meaning, although it comes from various types but junior graphic designers remain united.

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