From Us to U


From us to u means Izyim is ready to cross borders and deliver your order right to your front door. The logistics element in this logo is represented by the aeroplane as Us and the location icon as U (Your house). Airplane indicates that Izyim also uses air and sea shipping, and the icon location represents the recipient's or your home location. The word easy import was drawn by hand, although the word IZYIM on the back was font. The font is called "New font," and it depicts the Sequoia tree's roots.


From us to u means Izyim is ready to cross borders and deliver your order right to your front door. The logistics element in this logo is represented by the aeroplane as Us and the location icon as U (Your house). Airplane indicates that Izyim also uses air and sea shipping, and the icon location represents the recipient's or your home location. The word easy import was drawn by hand, although the word IZYIM on the back was font. The font is called "New font," and it depicts the Sequoia tree's roots.

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