Yagesh Rao Loganathan's Design #1


Hi everyone, my name is Yagesh Rao S/O Loganathan. I am a professional graphic designer and fine artist. I feel very proud to join the Malaysia Open 2023 T-shirt Design Contest.

Why I chose Kisona Selvaduray: for the simple reason that everyone else chose Lii Zee Jia, so I didn't want to pick the same guy, so I tried to pick a different player. That is why, aside from being a fan, I chose Kisona. She faces a lot of opposition from people who are trolling her on social media, and she makes Malaysia proud by proving to everyone that she is limitless.

My design style is similar to something the player character can express in order to become more powerful. With darkest blue tone edges, it almost looks like an action sequence in my artwork. It doesn't matter if I win or lose; all I want to do is try to improve my skills and demonstrate how creative and skilled I am.

Do support me, Thank you!


Hi everyone, my name is Yagesh Rao S/O Loganathan. I am a professional graphic designer and fine artist. I feel very proud to join the Malaysia Open 2023 T-shirt Design Contest.

Why I chose Kisona Selvaduray: for the simple reason that everyone else chose Lii Zee Jia, so I didn't want to pick the same guy, so I tried to pick a different player. That is why, aside from being a fan, I chose Kisona. She faces a lot of opposition from people who are trolling her on social media, and she makes Malaysia proud by proving to everyone that she is limitless.

My design style is similar to something the player character can express in order to become more powerful. With darkest blue tone edges, it almost looks like an action sequence in my artwork. It doesn't matter if I win or lose; all I want to do is try to improve my skills and demonstrate how creative and skilled I am.

Do support me, Thank you!

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@Jeiyinthan Maniam #82

Good one bro... The design look great & every single layer represent a good shot of Malaysia. 
Thank You so much bro
@Harinivas Rao Suba Rao #83

Nice one bro🔥🔥🔥
Potential to be like Charis Tsevis😅🔥
Thank you bro
Nice one bro🔥🔥🔥
Potential to be like Charis Tsevis😅🔥
Good one bro... The design look great & every single layer represent a good shot of Malaysia. 

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