Christmas in Lavender "meow!"


White cat with glasses, that's my own mascot! I love celebrating Christmas so much although I'm not I take this opportunity to design my cat with most of the things and actions that will appear during Christmas such as a snowman, asking for hugs, laughing around with friends, and family, Santa's deer, colorful decoration lights, candies, bells, golden stars, and LOVE...

#ChristmasEmojiDesignContest #Artmeet


White cat with glasses, that's my own mascot! I love celebrating Christmas so much although I'm not I take this opportunity to design my cat with most of the things and actions that will appear during Christmas such as a snowman, asking for hugs, laughing around with friends, and family, Santa's deer, colorful decoration lights, candies, bells, golden stars, and LOVE...

#ChristmasEmojiDesignContest #Artmeet
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