PLUCKID Brand Identity
Pluckid is a start-up company in educational board games industry headquartered in Malaysia and Indonesia. Pluckid manufacture educational board games for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Pluckid aims to assist children and special needs children in learning and improve to their fullest potential in life.
Pluckid is a start-up company in educational board games industry headquartered in Malaysia and Indonesia. Pluckid manufacture educational board games for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Pluckid aims to assist children and special needs children in learning and improve to their fullest potential in life.
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@Melinda Wong #128Are the patterns and colours used suitable and comfortable for ASD children?
If you elaborate and connect more on the colours/layout/graphics used with the suitability of ASD (meaning the graphics are meant to appeal and comfort people with ASD), it will definitely be a winner. :)
@yanuar wiriyanadi #130Inspiring!
If you elaborate and connect more on the colours/layout/graphics used with the suitability of ASD (meaning the graphics are meant to appeal and comfort people with ASD), it will definitely be a winner. :)
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