I am a final semester student pursuing a degree program in Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons.) Multimedia Computing at the Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, UiTM (Malacca) Jasin Campus. As part of the requirements to complete the program, I need to do a semester of industrial training at a reputable company or organization relevant to my area of studies. The duration of my internship is 20 weeks starting from 21st March 2022 until 5th August 2022. My career goal upon the completion of the industrial training is to be involved in the area of animation, graphic design, video editing and 3D modelling and I found that what your company has to offer suits my career plan very well. On the personal side, I believe I am a hard-working person, persistent, motivated and eager to learn something new. Given a chance to train at your company I hope I would be able to participate actively in your company’s activities that require some expertise in the area of Creative Graphics and Multimedia. In doing so, I hope I will gain some insights of a real working environment and a chance to apply what I have learned in UiTM. Enclosed with this application letter are my resume, introduction letter from my industrial training coordinator and a copy of the program that I am currently pursuing. Thank you in advance for your kind consideration.
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RAWANG , Selangor
Joined on Dec 2021