Hello, I am Abdul Hadi Bin Abdullah and i am a final year student of Diploma in graphic design at International Islamic College(IIC). I am currently looking for an internship job which is related to graphic design in order to complete my diploma. I am mostly skilled in using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, adobe lightroom, adobe XD and Vegas Pro. to see more about me, this is my portfolio
Part Time Photographer (2019-now)-I made this part time because of my deep interest in the camera, therefore, I have made my interest as my part time job since 2019. Freelance -I was given the task by zasuha company to make a t-shirt and also a corporate shirt for them. -I was given the task by kantapicture studio to be a photographer at the engagement event in 2019. UI/UX Application Desing for Final Year Project -I have challenged myself to create something from outside my field which is to create an application prototype design. I made the application. in the final year project 2021.
Adobe XDAdobe PhotoshopAdobe illustratorAdobe LightroomAdobe InDesignVegas Profigma
Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu
Joined on Mar 2021